Bots-Monitor over HTTPS ======================= * This feature is introduced in bots 2.1.0. * This works with cherrypy > 3.2.0 in combination with python 2.6 or 2.7. In python 2.5 this works (using extra dependency pyOpenssl) but gives problems with reading plugins. **Procedure** #. You will need an SSL certificate. You can use self-signed certificates. #. In ``bots/config/bots.ini`` uncomment options ssl_certificate and ssl_private_key (in section webserver), and set these to the right value, eg: .. code-block:: ini ssl_certificate = /mysafeplace/mycert.pem ssl_private_key = /mysafeplace/mycert.pem #In this example certificate and private key are in the same pem-file. #. Restart bots-webserver #. Point your browser to the right https-address, eg: https://localhost:8080 .. note:: * If you are using cherrypy and receive an error "ssl_error_rx_record_too_long" try the `2-line fix `_ * You can create self-signed certificates `here `_ * You can configure port=443 in bots.ini then just point your browser to https://localhost