Performance =========== * Most edi files are just a few kilobyes. An edi file of 5Mb is very large (edifact, x12). If you encounter larger ones: please let me know. * AFAIK there are no issues with performance. If you run into this: please inform me eg via mailing list. **Get More Performance** * (Bots >= 2.2.0) `Cdecimals (Extern library) `_ speeds up bots. This library will be included in python 3.3, but can be installed in earlier python versions. * (bots >= 3.1) Do not use ``get_checklevel=2`` in ``config/bots.ini``. This does extended checking of mpath's, use this during development only. * (bots >= 3.0) Schedule bots-engine via the job queue server. * For xml: check if the c-version of python's elementtree is installed and used. * Enough memory is important for performance: disk-memory swapping is slow! Actual memory usage depends on size of edi-files. * Check mappings for slow/inefficient algorithms. * Bots works with `pypy `_, see below on this page. * Use SSD for faster reading/writing. In ``config/bots.ini`` the ``botssys-directory`` can be set, in ``config/`` the place of the SQLite-database. **Strategy for bigger edi volumes** * Best strategy is to `schedule <../deployment/run-botsengine.html#scheduling-bots-engine>`_ bots-engine more often. * (bots >= 3.0) Schedule bots-engine via the `job queue server <../deployment/run-botsengine.html#job-queue-server-bots-3-0>`_. * Routes can be `scheduled independently <../deployment/run-botsengine.html#scheduling-bots-engine>`_. * Set-up good scheduling, keeping volumes in mind. * EDI in the real world has often large peaks. * Dome edi transactions are time critical (eg orders), others not so much (eg invoices) * Check where the large volumes are (size and number of edi-transactions) * Look at the sending pattern of your customers. Often edi is send in night jobs, so you might receive lot of volume early in the morning. * Check where you send large volumes. Send this at a time that does not interfere with other flows. * Incoming volumes can be limited per run. This way the time bots-engine runs is predictable. * The max time a channel fetches incoming files is a parameter for each channel. * This is dependent upon the communication type used; eg file system I/O is much faster than SFTP. * Files "left behind" will be fetched on subsequent runs. * (Bots >= 3.0) Limit for max file-size (set in bots.ini). If an incoming file is larger, bots will give error. This is to prevent **accidents**. **Performance/throughput testing** #. Tests are done using file system I/O (no testing of communication performance). #. Tests done in one run of bots-engine. #. Test system: Intel Q9400 2.66GHz; 4Gb memory; ubuntu 10.04(lucid); python 2.7; default SQLite database. #. Please note that these tests are **artificial**: if you have such high volumes and big files look at good scheduling! #. Tests are with edifact; x12 performance is the same. .. csv-table:: :header: Description,File Count,Total Size,Message Count,Time(bots2.0),Speed(bots2.0),Time(bots2.2),Speed(bots2.2),Time(bots3.2),Speed(bots3.2) 01 edifact2fixed,32,305Mb,32,1:01:39,82 kb/s,0:50:57,100 kb/s,0:44:01,115 kb/s 02 edifact2fixed,116,300Mb,116,1:14:18,68 kb/s,0:36:20,137 kb/s,0:37:25,133 kb/s 03 edifact2fixed,94048,295Mb,141072,0:47:21,104 kb/s,0:39:54,125 kb/s,0:42:30,115 kb/s 04 fixed2edifact,14244,300Mb,78342,1:04:11,78 kb/s,0:33:21,150 kb/s,0:32:40,153 kb/s 05 xml2edifact,17424,300Mb,17424,0:41:24,121 kb/s,0:35:48,139 kb/s,0:35:20,141 kb/s 06 edifact2xml(1to1),14609,300Mb,74919,1:23:03,60 kb/s,0:58:19,85 kb/s,0:44:38,112 kb/s **Conclusions of performance measurements:** #. Memory usage is stable (no leakage). #. Memory usage is directly related to the size of the edi-files. In test 01 (edifact files of 9.5Mb) bots-engine uses 1.5Gb memory. #. Tested with edifact files of 120Mb; memory usage is stable at 4.5Gb. #. Performance is reasonably independent from the size of edi-files/messages. #. An edifact file of 9.5Mb takes about 85sec to be processed. #. For outgoing edi files: writing to one file or multiple file does not significantly affect performance. **Testing with pypy** `pypy `_ s a python implementation that is faster by using a JIT (that is one of their achievements). Results of the first tests with pypy (beta-versions of pypy 2.0): * Bots works with pypy. * Comparing some stress tests: much faster, 2-3 times faster. * Did not run all test-sets. Probably I will do that with definitive version of pypy 2.0 and/or release of bots 3.1. * Problem might be that not all libraries/dependencies work with pypy. * SQLite3 database connector: OK * MySQL database connector: version 1.2.5 does. Note that bots 3.1.0 gave am error with this version, a patch was easy. * paramiko (for SFTP/SSH): no, dependency pycrypto is not supported. This looks like a very interesting development!