Bots 3.0.0 ========== * Bots 3.0.0 was released 2013-02-04 * Bigger changes, and a database migration is needed. Migration Notes --------------- **Introduction** Version 3.0 is a bigger update for bots, view all changes in next section. Overview: #. Django 1.1 and 1.2 are not supported anymore. Supported are django 1.3 and 1.4. #. ```` is changed. Advised: use the new, and do your customization in the new (eg for error reports, maybe database and timezone). #. The database has changed. A script is included to change the database. I had no database issues while testing this migration. #. lots of changes in bots.ini. The 'old' bots.ini is OK, but it is advised to use new bots.ini, and do your customizations there. #. Excel input: does work; but is now an incoming messagetype and not via 'preprocessing'. #. Most user scripts will work; many user scripts are not needed anymore because the functionality is provided by bots now. #. Some functions that may be used in user scripting have changed: * ``botslib.change()`` -> ``botslib.changeq()``. This function is used to in processing incoming 997's and CONTRL!! * botsengine routescripts: for 'new' runs in routescript called function postnewrun(routestorun) -> postnew(routestorun) * ``,idroute)`` -> ``,command,idroute)``. *Command* is one of: 'new','automaticretrycommunication','resend','rereceive'. * ``,idroute)`` -> ``,command,idroute)``. *Command* is one of: 'new','automaticretrycommunication','resend','rereceive'. .. note:: My experiences: after changing and database migration, all works (except for and issues mentioned above). **Summary of procedure** #. make a backup! #. rename existing installation. #. do a fresh install. #. copy old data to new installation. #. change settings #. update the database. .. note:: * It is critical to change the settings before updating the database! Bots finds the right database via the settings! * If you use MySQL or PostGreSQL: same procedure. The bots-updatedb script also updates MySQL or PostGreSQL. * Tested this for migration from bots2.2.1 -> 3.0.0, but works for all bots2.* installations. **Windows procedure** #. make a backup! #. rename existing installation * existing bots-installation is in ``C:\Python27\Lib\site-packages`` * renamed bots directory to bots221 * also renamed existing directories for cherrypy, django, genshi. #. do a fresh install of bots3.0.0 installer (bots-3.0.0.win32.exe) #. copy old data to new installation. * in ``C:\Python27\Lib\site-packages`` new directories have been installed (bots, django, cherrypy, genshi) * copy directories botssys and usersys from bots221-directory to bots directories. Everything can be overwritten. #. change settings * use new ``config/bots.ini``, adapt for your own values. * use new ``config/``, adapt for your own values. Especially the database settings are important; the format is slightly different (but similar enough to give no problem); critical is using the 'ENGINE'-value of the new #. update the database. * use command-prompt/dos-box * goto directory ``C:\Python27\Scripts`` * command-line: ``C:\Python27\python`` * should report that database is successful changed. .. note:: If you use a 64-bits version of windows another option is to use the 64-bits versions of python and bots. **Linux procedure** #. make a backup! #. rename existing installation * existing bots-installation is in ``/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages`` * renamed bots directory to bots221 * for libraries: check you use at least django 1.3 #. do a fresh install: see :doc:`installation procedure <../installation>` #. copy old data to new installation. * in ``/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages`` new bots-directory is installed. * copy directories botssys and usersys from bots221 directory to bots directories. Everything can be overwritten. * mind your rights! #. change settings * use new ``config/bots.ini``, adapt for your own values. * use new ``config/``, adapt for your own values. Especially the database settings are important; the format is slightly different (but similar enough to give no problem); critical is using the 'ENGINE'-value of the new #. update the database. * command-line: ```` * should report that database is successful changed. Changes ------- **Changes in database format since version 3.0.0rc** Alas; the database as used in the 3.0.0rc version has changed! Changed is: * table channel: field 'testpath' is added * table report: field 'acceptance' is added * tabel ccode: field 'rightcode'->70pos * tabel ccode: field 'attr1'->70pos **Wrapping of user script functionality into GUI** #. For outgoing filenames: can include partnerID, messagetype, botskey, data/time, etc in channel. #. Pass-through is option in route. #. Zip and unzip files as option in channel. #. SSL keyfile and certificate as options in channel. #. Excel as incoming messagetype (instead of via preprocessing). #. Option in channel to indicate edi file in email should be in body. #. Add: communication-out type 'trash' to discard of edi files. **Improved 'run' options** #. Run options in GUI are simpler: new, rereceive, resend. (Automatic recommunication is possible via bots-engine). #. Communication errors are visible in outgoing-screen and can be 'resend' manually. #. Add 'resend all' and 'rereceive all' in incoming/outgoing screen; espc. useful in combination with selections. #. Indicate in screens a file has been resend; Keep track of number of resends of an outgoing file. Filer works 'over' resends now. #. Dropped 'retry' option. This was not useful and confusing. Use 'rereceive'. #. Dropped 'retry communication'. Use 'resend', easier and more consistent. #. Add: use 'channel' in selects (eg useful for resend selects). **Configuration change management :doc:`see wiki <../advanced-deployment/change-management>`** #. Use tools to push changes test-> production #. Via GUI: write database configuration to usersys in order to compare environments. #. Via GUI: read the changed database configuration in usersys after pushing changes #. Isolated acceptation tests: run an acceptance test set without changes. #. option in bots.ini to active 'acceptance test' #. bots prevents communication to 'outside #. use seperate path to read/write ('testpath') #. do not change counters etc #. results of acceptance tests can be deleted/removed #. etc **Many improvements in GUI, eg:** #. 'Detail' screen has a better layout. #. Improve: show name partner in selectlist (in configuration). #. Improve: show channel-type in selectlist and routes (in configuration). I find this very convenient. #. Improve: better sorting in configuration for in django 1.4, eg for routes, codelists, trasnlations. #. References in a configuration are better guarded. Eg: when deleting partner that is used in partner-specific translation: user is warned, has to confirm. #. Improve: removed charset from channel. This was not needed. #. Improve: selections in screens not only for partners but also for partner groups #. Fix: download an edi-file via filer could give not-correct file. #. Add: keep track of file-size of incoming/outgoing files. **Extended partner functionality** #. Add: function 'partnerlookup' for use in mapping scripts to look-up/convert partner related functions. #. Add: extra partner fields: address, user-defined fields. #. Add: send a message to any bots partner from mapping script (use partners as the email address book). #. Improve: multiple email addresses in cc field. **Confirmations** #. Fix: bug in confirmation logic for frompartner/topartner (I had them reversed...). #. Better CONTRL-message. #. Option to run user exit either to generate CONTRL message or change the generated CONTRL message. #. messagetype (for incoming) is now similar to other uses of message-type; edi-type is removed (is not needed) #. Fix: better indexing for reference/botskey. This improves performance for confirmations. **Plugins** #. Always make configuration backup when reading new plugin. #. Dropped the date-indication for files that are overwritten. #. Index file in plugin always starts with type of plugin and layout is sorted/predictable. #. Fix for performance problem when generating plugin for big plugins. #. Fixed bug for relations in database. Bug only occurs when reading 'hand-changed'-plugins. **Better handling of 'database is locked'/crash recovery** #. First of all: use the jobqueue-server for more complicated scheduling (prevents running multiple engine!) #. Different way of detecting another instance of engine is running via locking of port. #. If bots-engine finds no other engine is running, but the database is locked this indicates the previous run was ended unexpectedly (eg computer crash). #. In this case bots will do an automatic 'crash recovery'. A warning is still given in logs or via email. Only ONE email is send. **Technical** #. An 64-bits installer for windows is available. #. Runs with django 1.4 now ; dropped support for django 1.1, 1.2 #. Database has changed. A script is added to upgrade the database. **Other changes** #. Add: startup script for bots-webserver using apache. Multiple bots-environments can run over one apache server. #. Add: user exit for cleanup. #. Improve: use external file name in archive. #. Add: archive as zip-files. #. Fix: port was not used in initializing PostgreSQL. #. Less statuses in processing (simpler, faster). #. Improve: use unlimited text fields in database for errortext and persist. #. Improve: if message in incoming edi file has error in mapping script and/or writing outgoing file: process rest of edi file (there is a compatibility option in bots.ini). #. Reworked errors for edi files (parsing, generating). All errors have numbers now (for referencing). #. Always read incoming files sorted by name. Reason: predictability. Formerly the read order was not predicable. #. Fix: better handling of import errors for user scripts. This could lead to confusing errors/situations. #. Add: access to whole envelope in mapping. #. Fix: nr of messages was not used correctly when writing multiple UNH in one mapping script. #. Fix: bug for numerical fields with more than 4 decimal positions. #. Add: counter(s) per bots-run in mapping script; eg useful for UNH/ST counter per interchange. #. Fix: enveloping for edifact with keca-character-set. #. Add: concatenate function for usage in mapping scripts. #. Improve: updated grammar-handling to allow for UNS-UNS construction. #. Improve: set explicit namespace when generating xml. #. Add: determine translation via user scripting. #. Add: user scripts can easy detect what type of run is done via routedict['command'] #. Dropped: intercommit connector.