Bots 3.1.0 ========== * Bots 3.1.0RC was released 2013-07-17. * No database migration is needed. * Some small changes in x12 grammar might be needed, see details below. Migration notes (from 3.0.0) ---------------------------- **Editype x12: in ISA definition 'ISA11' has to be conditional** * Bots 3.1.0 supports the repeating character (for ISA-versions >= 00403). * If you use this, ISA11 has to be conditional in definition; file ``usersys/grammars/x12/``, was: ``['ISA11','M',(1,1),'AN'],`` * becomes in 3.1.0: ``['ISA11','C',(1,1),'AN'],`` * This change also works for older ISA-version. Advised is to use this. **Editype x12, edifact, tradacoms: different handling of syntax parameters** * Bots handles the syntax parameters differently. In bots 3.0 and earlier this was somewhat 'fuzzy'. This works now like: * default syntax parameters are overruled by envelope parameters, * are overruled by message parameters, * are overruled by frompartner parameters, * are overruled by topartner parameters. * Most common problem will be for x12: message grammars had by default in syntax parameters: ``'version' : '00403',`` * Formerly this was not used; now it is used. * This might lead to sending another version of ISA-envelope, this is probably not what you want! * Solution: delete (or uncomment) the ``version`` syntax parameter for message grammar. .. note:: The ISA-version you send now is probably in ``usersys/grammars/x12/`` **Editype fixed and idoc: 'startrecordID' and 'endrecordID' not longer used** * Bots calculates this automatically now. * Bots also checks for all used records if this is used the same over all records. * This might lead to errors. * **Solution**: BOTSID should have correct length in all records and be at correct position. **Envelope scripts** * was: ``self._openoutenvelope(self.ta_info['editype'],self.ta_info['envelope'])`` * becomes in 3.1.0: ``self._openoutenvelope()`` **Route scripting** Function transform.translate is changed:parameters startstatus,endstatus,idroute,rootidta have to be explicitly indicated (no more defaults). Changes ------- **Interface (GUI)** #. Improved and simplified many screens. Eg only filename is displayed (takes less space), a pop-up show full path name #. incoming #. outgoing #. detail #. document; split up to incoming and outgoing screens; #. confirm #. Show in configuration screen if there are routescripts, communicationscripts, mappingscripts, grammars. Routescripts etc can be viewed. #. Partners and partnergroups are split up (via menu and screens). #. Added a cancel button in configuration editing. #. Added a choice list for routes in Configuration-Confirm. #. Display edifact/x12: display per segment for better readability. #. Show correct number of messages for resends. #. Email error report is extended with information about errors. #. Improved view/edit counters screen. #. In errors the correct name of eg grammars is shown. This was confusing (using sometimes '.' instead of '\' etc). **Highlights** #. Extra debug option: check all get/getloop if OK with grammars. #. Support for repeating elements is added (x12/edifact). #. Simplified logic of syntax reading: default syntax is overridden by envelope syntax is overridden by message sytax is overridden by partner-syntax. #. Added: fixed records can now be 'nobotsid': one record type, split to messages via field. #. Generating 997's can be done/manipulated via user script . **Smaller changes** #. Skip empty json elements in incoming files. #. StartrecordID and endrecordID are not needed anymore for in grammars for fixed message/idoc, bots calculates this now. #. Small improvements and bug fixes in XML reading/writing. #. QUERIES now also support callables. #. Xml2botsgrammar: sort fields in recorddefs, use empty elements in grammar. #. If 'alt' transaltion is not found, use default translation. #. More consistent handling of exceptions and logging (coding only). #. Fixed problems starting bots-engine from webserver in less common situations. #. Get correct incoming filename for re-receive. #. Removed code for old database connector and code-conversion via file. #. Automaticretry: first run only initialization (to avoid sending moch older files). #. Explicitly set for outgoing file: no automatic retry. #. Plugins: for different environments, path and testpath in channels are also relocated . #. Plugins: handling of unicode-characters is now correct. #. Add mapping function: getdecimal(). Returns a python decimal; if not found or non-valid input: returns decimal 0. #. For csv and fixed with 'noBOTSID': nextmessageblock can check for multiple fields, eg: ``nextmessageblock = ([{'BOTSID':'lin','field1':None},{'BOTSID':'lin','field2':None}])`` #. When deleting configuration items via 'bulk delete': make a backup plugin first. **Bug fixes** #. There was a missing import in ``xml2botsgrammar`` #. Logging of mapping debug did not work in 3.0 #. Correct handling of resends/rereceives for already resend/received files #. Fixed bug in automaticretrycommunication #. Confirmation can now be asked via channel-rule. #. if multiple commands in run: reports etc are based on timestamp. This messed up the relation between runs and eg incoming files.