Bots 3.2.0 ========== * Bots 3.2.0rc was released 2014-03-22. * Bots 3.2.0rc2 was released 2014-05-27. * Bots 3.2.0 was released 2014-09-02. Migration notes --------------- * bots 3.2.0 is suited for django 1.4, 1.5, 1.6 and 1.7. Support for Django 1.3 is dropped. * In existing django requires parameter 'ALLOWED_HOSTS'. Add this as eg: .. code-block:: python ALLOWED_HOSTS = ['*'] * For SQLite no database migration is needed. For MySQL and PostgreSQL: in table unique, field 'domein' should be changed to 70 positions (was: 35) if using option to have in-communication connect failures reported after xx times (field 'Max failures' in channels). * Python 2.5 is not supported anymore. use 2.6, preferably 2.7. * Bots does not support python > 3 (yet). Reason is that python MySQL connector is not suited for python 3 (yet). Changes ------- **Highlights** #. Added http(s) communication to communication methods (using 'requests' library). #. Better reporting of partnerID for incoming files with errors. #. File rename after outcommunication using tmp filenames to avoid 'reading before writing'. #. Updated edifax (print to html); is much easier to use now (edifax plugin will be updated). **Interface (GUI)** #. In run-screen: show used command for bots-engine, show if acceptance test. #. Search by filename for incoming and outgoing files. #. *strange characters* like ``ëë`` in routeID, channelID, etc will work now. #. Option to have automaticretrycommunication in menu. #. Option to add only routes that are not in default run to menu. #. Added bulk delete for persists data. #. Use 'rereceive' and 'resend' in screens (instead of 'retransmit'). #. Simpler making bots suited for touchscreen. #. Filter routes for (not) in default run. #. Improved edifact indenting in file viewer. #. Div small layout improvements in GUI. **Smaller changes** #. unicode handling is improved. This is about use of unicode in route-names, grammars, correct errors, etc #. set maxdaysarchive per channel. #. email validation in django was too strict for certain email addresses. #. check CC-address when validating incoming email-addresses. #. improve reporting on in-communication failures (give process-error after x time failure). #. suited for django 1.4, 1.5, 1.6and 1.7. Django 1.3 support is dropped. #. add incoming filename in email-report. #. option to use user script entries at start/end of a run and command. #. added option 'parse and passthrough' for routes. Useful for eg generating 997/CONTROL. #. added explicit enveloping indication (this indication can be set in mapping). #. making of plugin could take take a long time (better performance for large plugins). #. improve processing of repeat separator in ISA version above 00403. #. xml2botsgrammar: order of elements is preserved now; all xml entities as records. #. xml2botsgrammar: added option to have all xml entities as 'record'. #. added option to have function 'transform.partnerlookup' return 'None' if not found. #. improve xmlrpc communication. #. for persist: change timestamp on update. #. used new definitions for UNOA and UNOB. Definitions are clearer and easier to change, no change in functionality. #. better performance for one-on-one translations. #. bots-engine uses less memory. #. better reporting for import errors. **Bug fixes** #. preprocessing not working for rereceive. #. fixed bug in windows installer (occurred when when UAC is disabled). #. routeid did not always show up correct in error. #. rights problem: viewer can delete incoming files. #. show filesize for passthrough files. #. MySQLdb version 1.2.5 gave error. #. change password for non-staff user did not work. #. found query's in GUI not using index (better performance). #. error could not be displayed: . #. multiple email-addresses were not used in sending emails. #. transform.concat erroneously added spaces between elements. #. callable in QUERIES should have 'node' as parameter. #. when received x12 message can not be parsed correctly, GS08 might not be found. #. routeid did not show up correct in some errors. #. incoming tab-delimited file not parsed correct (for nobotsID & first field Conditional). #. via incoming/outgoing screen: button 'confirm (same selection)' did not work. #. in reference was an..35, should be an..70