Mapping Scripts =============== .. epigraph:: Definition: Instructions to get data from incoming edi-message and put it in the outgoing edi-message * Mapping scripts are python programs. * Mapping script are in: ``usersys/mappings/editype/``. * Within a mapping script function ``main()`` is called. * Some important things to be noted about mapping scripts: * All data in the incoming/outgoing messages are strings. * Errors in a mapping script are caught by Bots and displayed in bots-monitor. * You can Raise an exception in your mapping script if you encounter an error situation. * (Bots>=3.0) if an error is raised in a script, other translations for message in same edi-file will continue. * (Bots>=3.0) when an error situation is met in script: you can send specific error-email to responsible people. **Index** .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 2 how-it-works get-from-msg put-in-msg mapping-functions code-conversion calculate-count persist eanupc-check change-delete