Debugging ========= Standard method using the bots-monitor -------------------------------------- * The reports-screen gives an overview of what happened in a run. * If there are process errors in a run, first view the process errors! * The incoming-screen gives information about the results of each incoming file * For each incoming edi-file: view the detail-screen for information about the processing steps for incoming/outgoing edi file (in incoming-screen move your mouse to the star at the start of the line, a drop-down box will appear, choose ``details``. * View the outgoing files, including communication errors for outgoing files. Extended Debug options ---------------------- * In config/bots.ini there is the parameter **get_checklevel**. Set to to 2 for developing. Then all gets/puts are checked with the grammar(s). For production use 1 (does sanity checks on get/puts) or 0 (which is fastest, but if errors gives probably strange error-messages). * If wished, use extended errors: parameter **debug** in :doc:`bots.ini` gives information about the place in the code where the error occurred. * logging. Logging can be found in botssys/logging. Parameters in :doc:`bots.ini` can be set to get more debug information: * **log_file_level**: set to DEBUG to get extended information. * **readrecorddebug**: information about the records that are read and their content. * **mappingdebug**: information about the results of get()/put() in the mapping script. .. note:: In bots 3.0.0 this does not work (bug). Fix: in, line 188 should be: ``botsglobal.logmap = logging.getLogger('')`` * Extended log information for some communication protocols in :doc:`bots.ini` ftpdebug, smtpdebug, pop3debug. This debug-information is on the console/command line. * Within a mapping script (or other user script) use 'print', output can be viewed on the console/command line. * Use root.display() to see message content in mapping script: * incoming messages: at the start of the main function ``inn.root.display()`` * outgoing messages: at the end of the main function: ``out.root.display()`` root.display() is not the nicest output, but is definitely what you receive/have generated. .. note:: The errors bots gives for incoming edi-files are quite accurate ;-)) Tips for debugging ------------------ * If a run has process errors, first check the process errors! * Be careful with character-set/encoding: * Can your editor handle this? Be careful with editing files and saving these again, you might run into issues with character-set/encodings! * Are you familiar with the character-set you use? Are you familiar with eg utf-8? If not, please check this first. * In reality, edifact and x12 messages contains errors. Especially when **found on internet**; lot of ISA headers for X12 are not OK!