Plugins ======= * A plugin is a file with predefined configuration for bots. It includes routes, channels, grammars, mappings etc. * Plugins are installed via ``bots-monitor-Systasks->Read plugin``. * In order to run the routes in a plugin you first have to activate the routes. * There are useful plugins on `the bots sourceforge site `_. * :doc:`Documentation ` for these plugins. .. note:: grammars for edifact and x12 are NOT plugins, and can not be installed. .. rubric:: For what is a bots plugin useful? * An easy way to distribute and share edi configurations for bots. * Learn from existing configurations * Backup your configuration. * Share your configuration with others (It would be nice if you want to share your configuration; other can use and/or learn from what you have done!). * Do another install of the same configuration. * Transfer your environment from test to production. * Plugins are used to update to a new version of bots (only between minor versions). .. note:: All bots 3.0.0 plugins are suited to use in `acceptance test mode <../advanced-deployment/change-management.html#isolated-acceptance-testing>`_. .. rubric:: Index .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 2 install-plugin make-plugin plugins-explained plugins-sourceforge