Change and Delete FunctionsΒΆ


  • Delete(s) the record(s) as specified in mpath in the outmessage (and the records under that record).
  • After deletion, searching stops (if more than one records exists for this mpath, only the first one is deleted).
  • For deleting all records (repeating records) use getloop() to access the loop, and delete within the loop.

Returns: if successful, True, otherwise False.

#delete a message date in a edifact INVOICD96AUNEAN008:
#delete DTM record where field C507.2005 = '137' ; DTM-record is nested under UNH-record.
#delete all ALC segments in edifact message:
while message.delete({'BOTSID':'UNH'},{'BOTSID':'ALC'}):


If you want to delete a field, you can use the change option and put as value None

lot = lin.get({'BOTSID':'line','batchnumber':None})
if not lot == None:
#In this case I want to remove a wrong batchnumber from a specific supplier


  • Used to change an existing record. ‘where’ identifies the record, ‘change’ are the values that will be changed (or added is values do not exist) in this record.
  • Only one record is changed. This is always the last record of the where-mpath
  • After change, searching stops (if more than one records exists for this mpath, only the first one is changed).
  • For changing all records (repeating records) use getloop() to access the loop, and change within the loop.
#changed qualifier 'DP' in NAD record to 'ST'


where must be a tuple; if you want to change the root of document, add a comma to make it a tuple.

#                                 ^ note comma here