Email Notifications for ErrorsΒΆ
When bots runs scheduled, it is cumbersome to keep checking for errors in the bots-monitor. It is possible to receive an email-report in case of errors. Configure this:
Set option ‘sendreportiferror’ in bots/config/bots.ini to True.
In bots/config/ set relevant data for email, eg like:
MANAGERS = ( #bots will send error reports to the MANAGERS ('name_manager', 'myemailaddress@gmail'), ) EMAIL_HOST = '' #Default: 'localhost' EMAIL_PORT = '587' #Default: 25 EMAIL_USE_TLS = True #Default: False EMAIL_HOST_USER = 'username' #Default: ''. Username to use for the SMTP server defined in EMAIL_HOST. If empty, Django won't attempt authentication. EMAIL_HOST_PASSWORD = '*******' #Default: ''. PASSWORD to use for the SMTP server defined in EMAIL_HOST. If empty, Django won't attempt authentication. SERVER_EMAIL = '' #Sender of bots error reports. Default: 'root@localhost' EMAIL_SUBJECT_PREFIX = '' #This is prepended on email subject.
To test if it works OK, restart the bots-webserver and bots-monitor->Systasks->Send test report. (I know, the restarting is annoying.).
Email notifications are not sent while running acceptance tests.